Lionfish hunting using a mini sub to help you
As a scuba diver we have two main options to move us around underwater – leg power or DPV’s (diver propulsion vehicles). However, these guys have something much cooler. How about getting a tow ride around on a mini sub and have its lights shine into the dark holes to find those dam lionfish.
So I hope you enjoyed that awesome video, that was the last part of a written article. If you want to read the full article then here it is

About Nigel Coles
Hi my name is Nigel Coles. I used to live in Bristol, England but after a change in direction we moved overseas to work in the scuba diving industry. After a time in Thailand, for the last 8 years I have been living with my wife Deby, in the East End of Grand Cayman, The Cayman Islands. I’m a dive instructor, working for Tortuga Divers, part of the Red Sail group. I spend my day on dive boats, training students and taking our guests on dive trips. It’s a hard life but someone has to do it